Our Mission & Vision
As followers of Jesus Christ, we seek to worship God, grow in faith, and care for our neighbors and the world.
We long for a world where no one goes hungry, in body or soul, and where everyone knows themselves to be in relationship: beloved by God and part of a loving community.
Nourished by the Eucharist and sustained by our support of one another, we want to increase the spiritual vitality of our life together, in ways that will impact individual parishioners, our local church, and the wider community.
As a result of taking part in RenewalWorks in 2018-19, we have committed to:
>Strengthening the foundations of our faith, including deepening our knowledge and use of the Bible, our familiarity with the Book of Common Prayer (especially the promises made in the Baptismal Covenant), and our understanding of essential Episcopal beliefs and practices.
>Tending to spiritual hunger, our own and the world’s. We’re inspired by a definition* of “spirituality” as “relationship”—“How we are in relationship to God, to other people and the world around us, and to ourselves. Spirituality is the process of staying engaged in these relationships, what intention we bring to them, and how willing we are to evolve as the relationship affects us.”
>Nurturing leadership, by being to willing to name, own, and practice each person’s gifts and talents on behalf of the whole (cf. Ephesians 4:11-16). Church is not a spectator sport; discipleship and ministry is for everyone.
*Brian Taylor, in his Introduction to Renee Miller, Strength for the Journey: A Guide to Spiritual Practice
Projects and programs
Even as we discern new ways to grow in faith and serve our neighbors, we’re proud of the work that’s already underway:
Seasonal outreach drives support local food pantries and public school programs (from winter clothes to addressing lunch debt)
We seek to learn and grow through study groups, including book and Bible study series.
Fr. Steve also serves as Episcopal chaplain to PSU.